Methods used from ages for hair growth

Throughout history, people have used various methods to promote hair growth. Some of the traditional practices include:

  1. Herbal remedies: Using natural herbs and plants, such as aloe vera, coconut oil, onion juice, henna, and fenugreek, to nourish the scalp and stimulate hair growth.
  2. Scalp massage: Massaging the scalp with oils or fingertips to improve blood circulation and stimulate hair follicles.
  3. Traditional medicine: Some cultures have employed traditional medicinal practices, like Ayurveda or Traditional Chinese Medicine, which offer specific treatments for hair health and growth.
  4. Dietary changes: Consuming a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals essential for hair growth, like biotin, zinc, iron, and protein.
  5. Avoiding harsh hair treatments: Minimizing the use of chemicals, heat styling, and tight hairstyles that may damage hair and impede growth.
  6. Natural hair care: Using mild shampoos, conditioners, and avoiding excessive washing to maintain hair health.

Keep in mind that while these methods have been used for ages, not all of them have scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness. If you’re experiencing significant hair loss or concerns about hair growth, it’s essential to consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional for personalized advice and appropriate treatments.

Why is my hair shedding so much? As an African woman with type 4 hair, what could be the cause?

Photo by RODNAE Productions on

Hair shedding is a natural process that happens to all of us. On average, we lose between 50 to 100 strands of hair each day. However, if you notice that your hair is shedding more than usual, it could be a cause for concern. As an African woman with type 4 hair, the cause of excessive hair shedding could be a combination of different factors.

Type 4 hair is characterized by tight coils and curls. It is the most fragile hair type and requires a lot of care and attention. If you are experiencing excessive hair shedding, it could be due to one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Genetics
    Genetics plays a significant role in the health of our hair. If you have a family history of hair loss, you may be predisposed to shedding more hair than usual. It’s important to note that genetics is not the only factor that can cause hair shedding. Other factors, such as stress, diet, and hair care practices, can also contribute to hair loss.
  2. Hormonal changes
    Hormonal changes can also cause hair shedding. For instance, women may experience hair loss after giving birth, during menopause, or due to an underlying medical condition. Hormonal changes can cause a disruption in the hair growth cycle, leading to excessive shedding.
  3. Stress
    Stress is a common cause of hair shedding. When we are under stress, our bodies produce cortisol, a hormone that can disrupt the hair growth cycle. Chronic stress can lead to a condition called telogen effluvium, which is characterized by excessive shedding of hair. If you are experiencing stress, it’s important to find healthy ways to manage it, such as exercise, meditation, or therapy.
  4. Diet
    Diet also plays a role in the health of our hair. If you are not getting enough nutrients, such as iron, vitamin D, and protein, your hair may become weak and brittle, leading to excessive shedding. It’s important to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to promote healthy hair growth.
  5. Hair care practices
    Hair care practices can also contribute to hair shedding. If you use harsh chemicals or heat styling tools on your hair, it can lead to damage and breakage, causing hair to shed. It’s important to use gentle hair care products and avoid heat styling tools as much as possible. Additionally, it’s important to protect your hair at night by sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase and using a protective style, such as braids or twists.
  6. Medical conditions
    Certain medical conditions can also cause hair shedding. For instance, scalp conditions, such as seborrheic dermatitis, can lead to hair loss. Autoimmune disorders, such as alopecia areata, can also cause hair shedding. If you are experiencing excessive hair shedding, it’s important to see a dermatologist to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

In conclusion, excessive hair shedding can be caused by a combination of different factors. As an African woman with type 4 hair, it’s important to take extra care of your hair to prevent excessive shedding. This includes eating a balanced diet, managing stress, using gentle hair care products, and protecting your hair at night. If you are experiencing excessive hair shedding, it’s important to see a dermatologist to rule out any underlying medical conditions. With proper care and attention, you can promote healthy hair growth and prevent excessive shedding.

Natural hair growth past neck length

Photo by Kampus Production on

Has your hair been stuck up at neck your neck length? Here are some of the tips to help you cross that awkward stage. Let us dive into the content of today help your hair grow to the desired length you have always wanted. Just to give you a little bit of history concerning African hair.

African people typically have kinky hair, also known as afro-textured hair. This particular hair type develops in the shape of a small, angular helix. The overall result is that afro-textured hair looks different from hair that is straight, wavy, or curly[1]. However, due to the wide range of individual differences, afro-textured hair is frequently challenging to categorize. These variables include strand diameter (fine, medium, coarse), feel, and pattern (primarily tight coils). Pattern size ranges from watch spring to chalk (cottony, woolly, spongy). The air seems denser [4].
There are discernible variations in the composition, density, and pace of hair development among various genetic groupings. All human hair is structurally similar and shares the same keratin protein content in terms of basic chemical makeup. According to Franbourg.

Here is a chart for those with native African roots.

TypeHair textureHair description
4CKinky-coily (tight coil)Tightly coiled. Almost no visible defined kink pattern, unless seen from up close. Has more of a very tight “o”-shaped pattern.
4BKinky-coily (z coil)Tightly coiled. Little less defined kink pattern. Has more of a “Z”-shaped pattern.
4AKinky-coily (defined coil)Tightly coiled. Has a very defined “o”-shaped pattern.

Due to the nature of our hair we often suffer from hair dryness. our sebum not reaching the ends of our hair is a disadvantage since scooping is difficult if you don’t know how? We do it with the help of a butter or oil. we first of all start by sectioning our hair into six workable parts then we deal with each section differently depending on the intensity of dryness each part.


  • You need to make sure you hair remains moisturized everyday or maybe 3 times a week for you to see maximum hair growth retention and growth.
  • You need to make sure your hair is tied up most of the time or in protective hair styling that are not too tight.
  • Make sure you look on your split ends often and cut them when its necessary.
  • Moisturize your scalp with a hair growth remedy of you choice, you can even heat up your oil for hair growth acceleration.
  • Do scalp massages after oil application for more blood flow to your scalp and hair follicles stimulation.
  • Eat a balanced diet of proteins, vitamins, leafy greens for maximum hair growth.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

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Watch “Aloe vera for hair growth!” on YouTube

Watch “African hair growth and manageability” on YouTube

Struggles of a natural

Natural hair Embracers know about the #strugglesofanatural. From the beginning to the end we have gone through every new challenge that comes along and we try and come up with solutions with the help of google , YouTube and other learning channels. Sometimes we encounter some difficulties but getting into a circle of naturalistas helps us learn from each other, inspire each other because we understand our hair much better than other racers. With the revolution of the internet at least I can learn one or two things from a naturalista in the USA and likewise can learn from me to. As a community we ought to love one another, and share like minded ideas.


Natural hair is voluminous in nature

The best part about being a natural is that you have an advantage of having voluminous hair , which could never be achieved ; if you had relaxed your hair, blow dried your hair, flat ironed your hair but can only be achieved if left in its natural state and right there you will get a kinky, flawless Afro to be admired.

Image courtesy; pinterest


For you to achieve an afro textured hair that is gorgeous you literally, have to do a lot of work to have it. From the washing to conditioning to de-tangling *( don’t forget finger detangling) which I find time consuming) to moisturizing to sealing the ends. There is so much a natural needs to do to achieve a perfect afro that has healthy strands and stands out in a crowd!!

The struggles

Pre-poo period takes too long

Pre-pooing natural hair is part of every natural hair routine…I know the feeling of leaving on a shower cap on for about 2 hours, sometimes overnight, not forgetting what the pre-poo is; can be mashed avocados, bananas or fermented rice water …you literally have to endure the smell & the heat for over 2 hours but its totally worth it. We still do it, for the beneficial purposes that comes from Prepooing!

Washing hair takes almost the whole day

Wash days!!! We all know how much time it takes us being in the bathroom; you cannot go anywhere on that day, from washing away the prepoo, to cleaning using shampoo, to then conditioning, to then sectioning for detangling process. Maybe using our fingers or a wide tooth comb then moisturizing….. And its endless and so much more you have to do after that. Watch this video just to have an idea of a wash day>>> disclaimer!! the above 👆👆video is courtesy of Pinterest.

Tonnes of hair products

As a natural we do not only own 1 or 2 products for our hair, that’s just impossible. we require much more: 2 shampoos, 3 conditioners, 2 leaves in conditioners, 1 hair growth oil, other oils, butters and not forgetting deep conditioners. All of these products serve different purposes for our hair,with all of these products our hair is set to flourish more that we even imagine/ expect.

😬 Single strand knots!!! 😬

I mean these knots, they give me a set back every time grrrhh!! For every natural I know most if not all have endured these “enemies of progress” called single strand knots!! These knots cannot be escaped its part of everyone hair journey just like splits. Nowadays I try to stretch my hair every time I wash and condition, and I find that working. I also plait my hair to avoid my hair touching my clothes or rubbing along other fabrics I come a cross.

Hair shrinkage

Image courtesy: Pinterest

If there is a race that suffer from shrinkage it got to be the African decent!! With the curly, coily, kinky hair texture we have, our hair shrinks up to almost 1/3 of our hair. But its said, “the hair that shrinks shows that hair is healthy”. Never be discouraged by this! If your hair is neck length when natural then, that means your hair goes all the way to your back. Try straightening every year for length checks.

>>>Grab your Shea moisture leave in conditioner.

>>>Get some Sheamoisture deep conditioner.

>>>Get your wild growth hair oil

>>> Get your shea butter by sky organics

Let’s share,what are your natural hair struggles? Comment down below with your current hair struggle!! Also follow and get to see whenever I post a blog. See y’all in my next blog @renniestar signing out! Chao

Disclaimer!!! We do not take credit on the video and image used in this blog, rather it’s courtesy Pinterest.

Email us: for any questions or queries.

How to prevent hair tangling during wash days

Do you get tangling when you’re washing your hair? Well, this isn’t new, especially to those with longer African hair. African hair has a tendency to tangle if not straightened, stretched due to its curly, kinky and coily texture. Well, there is no need to worry about that because, I got you covered on that! Just keep reading>>

1. Wash your hair in sections

The secret to preventing tangles is washing your hair in sections! Try and section out your hair in 6 or 8 equal parts and start by washing each section gently de-tangling each section using your fingers or a wide tooth comb to prevent breakage and tangles.

2. Wash your hair in twist outs

Twist your hair in 6-8 equal parts and begin by washing from the roots to the ends (tips), apply shampoo directly on the roots of your hair; that is on your scalp, then spread out the shampoo to the rest of hair. Squeezing each twist out to ensure the strands are cleaned out.

3. Wash your hair in braids

This is the favourite way I personally use to wash my hair. Section your hair in 6- 8 equal parts then braid each section, apply shampoo on your scalp then wash distributing the shampoo towards the rest of the braids. The benefit of braiding is that, you don’t have to worry about your hair unbraiding while washing unlike twist outs.

4. Shampoo properly

Using sulphate free shampoo will most likely be beneficial to your hair because of its natural properties, that will ensure your hair does not dry out. Focus the shampoo on your scalp rather than your hair and that will stop your hair from tangling or rather creating knots. >>> grab sulphate free shampoo here

5. Condition after you shampoo

Conditioning your hair right after shampooing prevents your hair from tangling up! most conditioners out in the market, contains slip that provides the hair with the slide between strands thus offering more slip & moisture between the strands.

>>>Get yourself moroccan sulphate free shampoo

6. Seal the tips of your hair

Right after you are done with your routine, ensure you seal the ends of your hair with a good oil or Butter. I find Shea butter working well with type 4 hair type. Although, other butters can be effective also just like mango, cocoa butters. Just find what blends in with your hair type and use it. The ends of the hair tends to be of high porosity so, its good to take care of your ends more often.

>>>Get unrefined Shea butter

>>>Find unrefined cocoa butter

>>>Or pure Mango butter

Just as a general rule; do not brush your hair when its wet, it might cause more breakage. Rather, brush your hair using a wide tooth comb or a paddle brush before starting your wash day routine

Let me know how you wash your hair down at the comment section. Like and share with your friends and family, until the next blog see y’all @renniestar

>>>continue reading more on prevention of tangles

protective styling for African hair

African hair decent has been worn in protective styling for a very long time. We do so to reduce excess shedding and avoid damage to be able to retain more hair length. With pollution and other enviromental factors we are even more focused in keeping our hair healthy and strong! That’s why we mostly prefer protective way, it’s the easiest way to retain black hair length to especially for those with limited time in the morning.

Health of our strands is of much importance in this day and age, because for a long time there has been this notion that you can only have long hair if you’re mixed, that’s why we want to go beyond measure to ” prove” to blacks like us that our hair grows to but, it will require work put in and patience as well.We have to take care of it as natural as possible by using protective styling!

Protective styling for black hair

  1. Wigs
  2. Box braids
  3. Twist outs
  4. Weaves
  5. Bantu knots
  6. Cornrows
  7. Feed in box braids
  8. Senegalese twist
  9. Flat twist
  10. Cornrows with extensions

Protective styling has more benefits than most of us know, using the low maintenance regime we can definitely see our tresses growing long and strong. Our hair shows much growth when mostly left alone, you do not need to style it everyday which is a plus in maintaining moisture and reducing frizz. You just need to wap your hair with a satin/ silk scarf at night, apply a scalp oil or a hair growth oil and you’re on your way to longer healthier hair😍.

Benefits of protective styling

1. Saves time to do your hair daily.

2.keeps hair moisturized and soft.

3. It’s versatile- you can use creativity while doing your updos.

4. It reduces frizz and prevent formation of split ends because your ends are tucked away.

There are varieties of protective styles nowadays that you can choose from and can suit your face and your overall sense of styling & glamour

These are just some you can choose from!

Courtesy of pexels.
Courtesy of pexels

>>> find more varieties of protective Styling here

Hope this was helpful. Go ahead and comment down below if you do protective styling, also like and share with your family and friends! From @renniestar I’m out!

Length retention for African hair

African hair women find it hard to retain length due to different factors like culture and norms. Retaining length is part of every one’s health journey and knowing how to navigate through it is a major achievement for most of us.

The curly, coily kinky texture of our hair tends to break easily due to tangles, single strand knots and many other factors. #strugglesofanatural, I guesse you all know that 😭 but that doesn’t mean we cannot grow our hair!

There are different ways we can use to maintain our curls longer than we do now! Which are:

  • Low manipulative protective styling
  • Using a silk/satin bonnet or scarf
  • Moisturizing oils for the scalp
  • Fingure detangling after shampoo usage with either a regular conditioner or a leave in conditioner
  • Using wide tooth comb
  • Using less heat on your hair e.g blow-drying/flat ironing
  • Deep conditioning every 7 days/ 14 days
  • Apply oil at the ends of your hair for at least 3 days in a week
  • Eat healthy balanced diet with more proteins and vegetables
  • Take suppliments if you cannot meat the daily vitamins and proteins required intake.

More tips

Try to exercise every other day to get blood flowing up to your scalp.

Also steaming your hair helps open up the pores on your scalp that really helps in oil/ product absorption >>>> read more

Hope this was helpful in your hair growth journey! Let me know on the comments section. Like and share with your family and friends. As usual it’s your curly friend @renniestar chao!