Struggles of a natural

Natural hair Embracers know about the #strugglesofanatural. From the beginning to the end we have gone through every new challenge that comes along and we try and come up with solutions with the help of google , YouTube and other learning channels. Sometimes we encounter some difficulties but getting into a circle of naturalistas helps us learn from each other, inspire each other because we understand our hair much better than other racers. With the revolution of the internet at least I can learn one or two things from a naturalista in the USA and likewise can learn from me to. As a community we ought to love one another, and share like minded ideas.


Natural hair is voluminous in nature

The best part about being a natural is that you have an advantage of having voluminous hair , which could never be achieved ; if you had relaxed your hair, blow dried your hair, flat ironed your hair but can only be achieved if left in its natural state and right there you will get a kinky, flawless Afro to be admired.

Image courtesy; pinterest


For you to achieve an afro textured hair that is gorgeous you literally, have to do a lot of work to have it. From the washing to conditioning to de-tangling *( don’t forget finger detangling) which I find time consuming) to moisturizing to sealing the ends. There is so much a natural needs to do to achieve a perfect afro that has healthy strands and stands out in a crowd!!

The struggles

Pre-poo period takes too long

Pre-pooing natural hair is part of every natural hair routine…I know the feeling of leaving on a shower cap on for about 2 hours, sometimes overnight, not forgetting what the pre-poo is; can be mashed avocados, bananas or fermented rice water …you literally have to endure the smell & the heat for over 2 hours but its totally worth it. We still do it, for the beneficial purposes that comes from Prepooing!

Washing hair takes almost the whole day

Wash days!!! We all know how much time it takes us being in the bathroom; you cannot go anywhere on that day, from washing away the prepoo, to cleaning using shampoo, to then conditioning, to then sectioning for detangling process. Maybe using our fingers or a wide tooth comb then moisturizing….. And its endless and so much more you have to do after that. Watch this video just to have an idea of a wash day>>> disclaimer!! the above πŸ‘†πŸ‘†video is courtesy of Pinterest.

Tonnes of hair products

As a natural we do not only own 1 or 2 products for our hair, that’s just impossible. we require much more: 2 shampoos, 3 conditioners, 2 leaves in conditioners, 1 hair growth oil, other oils, butters and not forgetting deep conditioners. All of these products serve different purposes for our hair,with all of these products our hair is set to flourish more that we even imagine/ expect.

😬 Single strand knots!!! 😬

I mean these knots, they give me a set back every time grrrhh!! For every natural I know most if not all have endured these “enemies of progress” called single strand knots!! These knots cannot be escaped its part of everyone hair journey just like splits. Nowadays I try to stretch my hair every time I wash and condition, and I find that working. I also plait my hair to avoid my hair touching my clothes or rubbing along other fabrics I come a cross.

Hair shrinkage

Image courtesy: Pinterest

If there is a race that suffer from shrinkage it got to be the African decent!! With the curly, coily, kinky hair texture we have, our hair shrinks up to almost 1/3 of our hair. But its said, “the hair that shrinks shows that hair is healthy”. Never be discouraged by this! If your hair is neck length when natural then, that means your hair goes all the way to your back. Try straightening every year for length checks.

>>>Grab your Shea moisture leave in conditioner.

>>>Get some Sheamoisture deep conditioner.

>>>Get your wild growth hair oil

>>> Get your shea butter by sky organics

Let’s share,what are your natural hair struggles? Comment down below with your current hair struggle!! Also follow and get to see whenever I post a blog. See y’all in my next blog @renniestar signing out! Chao

Disclaimer!!! We do not take credit on the video and image used in this blog, rather it’s courtesy Pinterest.

Email us: for any questions or queries.

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